with Sascha McMeekin
Are you one of the 11% of the population with irritable bowel syndrome? Are you tired of feeling bloated? Feeling confused about what you can eat?
Sascha understands the daily struggle of IBS and the impact it can have on your mood, confidence, social life and productivity. She can sort through your confusion with up-to-date and easy to understand information, leaving you feeling confident and empowered to master your IBS.
Comprehensive support is available. It's time to put you back in control of your gut!
Low FODMAP diet
Time frame: 2-6 weeks
High FODMAP foods are eliminated and replaced with nutritionally similar alternatives
FODMAP Challenges
Time frame: 9-12 weeks
Challenge each FODMAP group systematically to find out your personal sensitivities
FODMAP Personalisation
Based on the results of the FODMAP challenges, we will work with you to develop a long-term plan

What to expect:
5 individual consultations with our Dietitian
Unlimited email support between consultations
Low FODMAP recipe e-book
Low FODMAP shopping list
Research-based information translated into practical plans
Written resources and everyday recommendations to help you on this journey
The Master your IBS package is comprehensive and you will receive support every step of the way. You will have a private coach to keep you on track and focused on the goal of freedom from your IBS symptoms. Sascha makes it her mission to empower you with the knowledge, skills and tools that you need to say goodbye to the symptoms that are holding you back in life.
We understand that the program package may not be suitable for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all approach in nutrition and certainly not in IBS. Sascha will discuss with you whether the package is suitable for you at your initial consultation. Should it suit you better, you can also pay for consultations individually rather than proceed with the package.
Online Consultations
Sascha can help you no matter where you are located
With video consultations available you can receive Sascha's expert help from anywhere in the world. She is committed to helping as many people as she can. Consultations via Skype or Zoom are available if you are unable to visit our clinic. ​​
Learn more about the Master your IBS package in a complimentary discovery call. Apply below.